About Us

JORD is not just an apparel brand, but a community, inspiring others to live a life they’re proud of. 

We were founded in 2023, although, our beginnings trace back to 2020. For many, the 2020 quarantine period sparked new interests. For founder, Jordyn Quental, quarantine sparked motivation for an entire lifestyle change. 

Now, Jordyn has created this brand as a tool to inspire others. Our name JORD isn’t just her nickname, it’s also a word meaning Earth and soil. JORD’s products are carefully designed to ignite your growth and to remind you that you have the power to stretch your roots deep and reach for the sky. At JORD, we hope to motivate you to live a happy and fulfilling life through our products and our community.

Meet the Founder

In 2020, I embarked on my own wealthy lifestyle journey where I began to prioritize my physical, mental, and financial health to lead a happy, fulfilling life. During this time, I taught myself the importance of taking care of myself and seeing the positivity in everything around me. An impactful part of this journey was learning to accept, and apologize to myself for the mistakes I made and change my behaviors to lead a truly happy, fulfilling, wealthy life. Every day is a challenge I am grateful for. Remember to be mindful of others, radiate positive energy, and challenge yourself daily to grow into your best version.

I believe in you and our community believes in you.

Take care,